Episode 156
EP# 156 The Need for Political Reform after assassination attempt.
Welcome back to Dont get this Twisted
The hosts discuss the recent assassination attempt on the former president and the state of politics in the country. They express their exhaustion with the current warm weather and discuss their hopes for a cooler summer. They touch on the age of the presidential candidates and the need for term limits. They also express their skepticism towards the media and the biased reporting. The conversation then shifts to the attempted assassination and the potential conspiracy theories surrounding it. They discuss the role of social media and the importance of voting in a democracy. The hosts also touch on the nature of the United States as a constitutional republic and the need to stick to the principles outlined in the constitution. They end the conversation by reflecting on the potential consequences of the assassination attempt and the divisive nature of politics. The conversation revolves around the current political climate in the United States, with a focus on the upcoming presidential election. The speakers discuss their opinions on President Trump, Joe Biden, and the state of the country. They touch on topics such as incitement of hate, division, corruption, homelessness, taxation, and the need for political reform. The conversation concludes with a plea for kindness and understanding, urging listeners to respect differing opinions.
Copyright 2025 Dont get this Twisted
This podcast and website represent the opinions of Robb Courtney and Tina Garcia and their guests to the show and website. The content here should not be interpreted as medical advice or any other type of advice from any other type of licensed professional. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare or other applicable licensed professional with any medical or other related questions. Views and opinions expressed in the podcast and website are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information, we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. Privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All people, places, and scenarios mentioned in the podcast have been changed to protect confidentiality. This website or podcast should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony related to the medical profession or any other licensed profession. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or website. In no way does listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content establish a doctor-patient relationship or relationship with any other type of licensed professional. Robb Courtney and Tina Garcia do not receive any money from any pharmaceutical industry for topics covered pertaining to medicine or medical in nature. If you find any errors in any of the content of this podcast, website, or blogs, please send a message through the “contact” page or email DGTTwisted@gmail.com. This podcast is owned by "Don’t Get This Twisted,” Robb Courtney.
And welcome to another show of Don't Get This Fisted. am Rob along with my co -host as always, Tina. How you doing?
Tina (:I'm hanging in there, Rob. How you doing?
Robb (:I'm exhausted. I worked 10 hours today, was up at three, gym at four. It's just been a day. I'm tired. But, you know, you gotta love this very, very, very warm summer.
Tina (:Shit.
Tina (:I get you.
Tina (:Yeah, it started early too. I'm impressed that it's gone so long. I mean, it's not getting cooler. We're in it. Yeah.
Robb (:I have a feeling it's, no, I think we're in a lot of trouble. Yeah, I think me and the girl down the street were talking about it like late May and you know, we had like a run of a week and I remember both of us went, I think this may be a bad one and I don't think it's been under 90 since then. It's been bad
We're in only an early July. I think we're going to have an October summer, I think.
Tina (:It's California though.
Tina (:I don't know if it's gonna go that
Robb (:but I have a feeling. That's true. Maybe we'll get the traditional like old school when we were in school and it'll end in like the very beginning of September. That would be awesome. That would be super awesome. I'm down for that. So let's hope. But yeah, lots going on in the world. And I think we've decided maybe we'll talk about the elephant in the room.
Tina (:starts early, normally ends earlier.
Tina (:Be nice, huh?
Robb (:because the former president of this country was almost assassinated and
Tina (:Yeah.
I was on my way back from Oceanside and I had a few phone calls and a few texts and my friend that always watches the news, was kind enough to give me the blow by blow as it was happening. So I feel like I know a little bit and I did watch the news, believe it or not, to see what was going on, see what they showed and I was kind of surprised at that for a lot of reasons.
Robb (:Yeah, even me too.
Robb (:Yeah, I mean, was I surprised? Not really. But I mean, it's, it's shocking, I think. Mostly because you look at the tilted world we've lived in, we've had Biden for a while, we had Barack Obama, which never had an assassination attempt against him.
Tina (:It is.
Robb (:which you would have thought, right, if this country was extremely racist as everyone thinks. You know, they gave him eight years and not one time. So I do believe that the society at large is definitely different and they're probably a tad scared now because he has such a huge lead and...
after our debate. Man, it's kind of hard to think that Trump isn't definitely leading in a lot of states.
Tina (:Yeah, I don't I don't exactly keep up on all that. I heard about the debates and it sounded kind of embarrassing on Biden's side. But, yeah, I got opinions on on Trump's side, too. I mean, are we really going to have a convicted felon as our president when I was under the assumption if you were a felon, you couldn't vote. So how can you
Robb (:Mm
Tina (:How can you not vote but you could run for presidency? I think that's a kind of hypocritical thing to have to follow. You think so? A little bit?
Robb (:Would that be kind of an oxymoron?
But unfortunately it is true and he can actually run the country from prison.
Tina (:Yeah, and that's fucking insane.
Robb (:Yeah, although...
Tina (:And not that I'm not on either side. think that we need to throw everybody back out there and find new people that actually have some moral or values in their personal life to try to run for presidency because these guys are a trip. But that's just me. Everybody's got their own opinion on who they want to see. I think that as a country, we should be able to do way better than these guys.
Robb (:Yeah, I mean, I definitely think that for me, a lot of it has to do with age. I think we've got out of hand. Look, I also don't think that someone 45 should run the country, but that's my own kind of thing. I think that you have to have some long -term understanding of things.
But that being said, think both candidates being almost 80 years old is definitely not a good idea either.
Tina (:Yeah, they should be retired. There's a reason we have a retirement age and if it's over 70, I don't believe that they are equipped to do what they need to do to run the country.
Robb (:Yeah.
Robb (:Yeah, I mean, I guess you can argue if the mental stability of the person that's there and you're supposed to pass certain things. I think that, look, I'm OK with certain things. I just think that we're at a point where it's like, look, with everything in politics, you shouldn't have people that have been in the same position for 40 years. And we have that.
Tina (:Yeah, there definitely needs to be some change in our term limits for sure. Because there's skeletons run in our country. That's no joke.
Robb (:Yeah, I think.
Yeah, that's without a doubt. mean, people who are definitely, you know, at the age limit of death. So I think that, I think if you can't, I like the eight years. think like if you, if we're giving the president eight years, we should give Congress and you know, the house eight years. You have eight years to fix shit. And if you don't, you gotta go. Like it's time
Tina (:Even if you don't, it should be turned over.
Robb (:Yeah, just because you keep fresh people in there with fresh ideas and different ways of looking at things.
Tina (:hopefully people that share your same ideals.
Robb (:Yeah, I think you get that, a lot of that by where you're at in the country, but you could probably argue it for the state that we live in that if you looked at the voting for this state, if it wasn't for San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, Republican would win every time. They almost win every county.
It's very, the last president who's won this state was Reagan in the 80s. So that should tell you something. It is a very democratic state. think that we've let the state get out of hand with a lot of the things that we believe in. We've voted in people that have no business, know, and I'm talking at a very small level.
not just the mayor and the governor, which our governor is a whole other monster. I mean, obviously I lean conservative, and I probably, know, 15 years ago I would have been center liberal. I was very different. I think as you grow older, you change. I just think we're at a point
people are trying to kill ex -presidents because they're going to get elected. That's scary. You know what I mean? Like we haven't had a president almost assassinated since Reagan. And the crazy thing, do you know that I saw something that was pretty interesting? They showed the presidential election for the year that he after the, his second term, he won every state, but one. And that was
his, the Democrats home state. He won everything, California, New York, every single one but Minnesota. yeah, I think, look, it's a different thing. think, you know, Trump has his own issues, right? He's loud, he's, you know, very, he's a nationalist, you know, he's very pro -America. So a lot of people, unfortunately,
Tina (:Well, let's see what happens with Trump now.
Robb (:in this country have changed. are a lot of people, a lot of young, far left, and I don't want to say liberals or democrats, because I think that if we say that we're pigeonholing a lot of people that probably aren't. But the far left and the far right are scary in this country. Both sides. And I think that the far left hate the country they live in.
Tina (:I agree with that. I agree with that.
Robb (:Fortunately, you know, a lot of people don't like to hear it, but love it or leave it. If you don't like it here, there's a lot of countries you can move to. But people won't leave because they understand the freedoms they have. So I'm one of those people that it's like, if you don't like it, shut the fuck up. Like, unfortunately. But I believe that there's things to fix in this country as well. Like everything's not perfect. We have a pretty good country.
I mean, for the people that I've known who've gone to, and I mean third world countries, because they were shooting guns at other people, they'll tell you this country's pretty good. I had a friend who watched a girl get stoned right in front of him and couldn't do anything because he was undercover as a civilian in that country. So he couldn't do anything. He watched it all happen.
So he has a very large hatred for a lot of those countries. But he'll tell you like with all the faults this country has, it's pretty damn good. And it's the most less racist country he's ever been to. So put that in consideration and he's been to a couple that they're pretty bad. so.
You know, we're pretty open here and I think that we've gotten a lot better obviously in the last 50 years with race relations. I think, like, our media stokes a lot of this. They're not helping the situation and that counts for all media. You know, the media is ran by the left, pretty much. With all due respect to Fox News,
which is ran by a conservative, but even they're slanted. Anything you watch is pretty slanted.
Tina (:Any news is slanted. I was saying that I actually watched the news.
Plus I was at a friend's house when the news was on and seeing both sides, they're both way slanted to favor their own views instead of giving us the news as it's happening and only the facts, which is what I thought the news was, and allowing us to make our own decisions on what's going on. So I'm not a fan of watching the news, nor do I believe everything that I'm hearing, seeing, watching. It's all over the
Robb (:I would say that I believe way less than I did 10 years ago. I would say I may believe 10 % of the news. Just because it's, well, and it's overly directional. Like, look, we've had four years or three years of Biden and
All the liberal news has said is Trump's name. He wasn't even president. This is a guy running the you know his own business still So, you know and the felony charges we can
We can talk about all we want. It was a thing that had to do with his business. What he did is what every other business has ever done. So to railroad him into that is a whole other monster. So to say that he's a felon, we can argue that until we're blue in the face. That's like saying, Hunter Biden is just as much criminal, but you won't see any news outlet saying that.
So yes, I think that we live in a very jaded political spectrum to the point where a lot of people aren't even voting anymore because they don't believe that it means anything. And I
Tina (:A lot of people, a lot of people I know saying I don't even vote. I'm like, if you don't vote, how is this ever going to get better?
Robb (:And I think we're getting to a point where there's so many people not voting that it's hurting either side. I believe this election coming up in November is going to be a very, there's gonna be a lot of people voting. I think a lot of people are upset.
Tina (:Let's hope so. I mean, they should. We live in a country where we have democracy for a reason and everybody should vote. There's no reason not to.
Robb (:Mm it's very true. It's funny speaking of democracy, because I think that a lot of people, you know, this isn't a democracy, what we live in, at least in the United States.
Robb (:Kind of. It's, you know, this
Robb (:as much as we vote, but that's not, know, this is a constitutional republic. It's based on our constitution. So our laws start at that, unlike some places where they'll tell you that it's a democracy and they'll vote and change everything anyway. But I think that, I think we need to kind of go back to that. And look, we can argue the constitution until we're blue in the face as well.
because some people say that it needs to be changed and there'll be other people that'll tell you that it's the perfect document. But fortunately, that's how this country was founded and it was founded on that and we need to stick to that.
Tina (:As far as getting back to Trump being, had an attempt on his life, an attempted, how should I say it, assassination.
Robb (:Sassination. Mm that's good. Mm
Tina (:You know, I think we need to look at that. I'm already seeing a bunch of things on social media and people talking to different things about how it was a planned situation, that it wasn't just one person acting alone. There was supposedly a woman behind him, right behind the podium that was taking pictures. She was not afraid of the shots or anything. Then they're saying there's another conspiracy thing that it was one of the Kennedy.
was standing behind him and wasn't afraid of getting shot. But then there was a woman that, or I believe it was, was it a woman or man that got killed? One of the bystanders. A man got killed. And Trump got shot. And it didn't look like the people that were there to protect Trump were even close enough to do anything. You know, it looked like as they were running up, it was a couple of seconds away, and I thought we were supposed to have better...
Robb (:Man yeah, he was he was protecting his daughter
Robb (:Secret Service.
Tina (:Security than that and then they they knew that person was on the roof of the where the shooter was They knew for over three minutes and they didn't do anything about it. They could have stopped that before anybody even got shot Yeah, so
Robb (:that he ever even got a shot off. Yeah, I had heard that the sniper who actually did kill him said that he had him in his sights and they didn't give him the okay. So, you look, conspiracy theories are great and I hope that this all gets kind of weeded out, but yes, it definitely seems like
Tina (:for over three minutes.
Robb (:Other look there's a deep state if you believe in the deep state that the government can do whatever they want and they will Would it be the first time that a political party put a hit on a president no Because Abraham Lincoln was killed through the political parties Ronald Reagan was Done through a nutcase
Tina (:Nope.
Robb (:Kennedy, we can really argue the Kennedys. There's a lot of things that said that they knew too much and the government killed them. So yes, it's been done before. And to be fair, the United States has killed tons of political leaders all over the planet. So wouldn't be the first time. I think you're gonna see a lot of crazy stuff come out because there's been a lot of people that
Tina (:Mm -hmm.
Robb (:actually saying things like kill the president and then this happens. I think there's gonna be a lot of people's doors knocked on.
Tina (:I believe that there's so much.
footage on exactly what happened at the time. They can't do what they did during the Kennedy assassination. They can't bury it. Everybody had their phones on. Everybody had their cameras rolling. Everybody had movies on their phone that they were actively taking. They weren't letting that go at all. They were like, record, record, record. Let's get the whole thing. No. So it's gonna be interesting to see what happens and who gets blamed for it.
Robb (:Yeah.
Robb (:Yeah.
Robb (:Yeah. You can't make this one disappear.
Tina (:Because that's always it because the kid that did it's only 20 years old from my understandings He's Antifa
Robb (:Yes, and supposedly there's a video him I don't know if he was Antifa or not, but he was definitely He had said some things about Trump not about killing him but about how he hated him so
Tina (:And then I did hear that he had doings with Antifa. I don't know if that's exactly true. didn't see it, know, well, shit, even if we watch the news, is it right? Are they telling the truth? Like, I don't know for fact, but that's what I was told. And even that is like, great, here we go. You know, it always seems like there's another agenda behind everything that goes on. And that's kind of...
Robb (:Yeah,
Tina (:It kind of makes it hard to figure out who's who and what's what and who is behind this.
Robb (:Yeah, what's the truth? And unfortunately in this case, know, when the documentaries start coming out, we'll be really old. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, if alive at all. Because I mean, like the Kennedy shit is still not 100 % out. And that was like 60 something. I think even before that. But it was close to that. It was somewhere in that ballpark.
Tina (:If alive at all, yeah.
Tina (:Mm -mm.
Robb (:So look, my thing is this is, and I saw someone wrote something today and I, and again, whatever side of the fence you're on, more power to you. I'm pretty straightforward that like to tell people what I believe in. But some guy posted today, he said, would just like to point out that Trump was shot at, there have been.
No riots, no burning cities, no looting, no mass destruction or chaos of any kind. Time to acknowledge that the liberals are 100 % of the problem in a free society. Now, do I believe that totally? No, I think that like you're pigeonholing people. But that being said...
I guarantee you that if Joe Biden or Barack Obama had an assassination attempt against him during their reelection, they would have burned cities to the ground because they did it over George Floyd.
Tina (:I don't know, I think that people didn't go crazy because it was just his ear. I think it could have been a whole different ball game if they actually did assassinate him or if he was like in tremendous...
Robb (:Yeah, I agree with you. If they would have killed him, I think lots of bad things would have happened. I
Tina (:But at the same time too, I think, know you little shit, you've put our country into so many chaotic situations where you wanted people to fight and go against the government and everything. Well, you got what you asked for, just not in the way you thought you would. And I know that's not a, you know, whatever. I shouldn't even put this on a podcast. But that's truly how I feel. He's started a lot of shit over the years. And he just got a little taste of his own medicine.
Robb (:I mean, I guess, but that's every politician. So every politician should be shot at?
Tina (:I didn't say any of them should be. I said one got shot at and he's lucky the only thing he got was a clipped ear. Because it sounded like the forces that be wanted it to be more.
Robb (:Well, yeah, I
Robb (:Yeah, if he wouldn't have turned his head, it would killed him. He just got lucky and liberals can't shoot.
Robb (:I mean, to be fair, if that was a Republican shooting, he'd be dead. Because they wouldn't have let him live, because we know how to shoot. All jokes aside. But I mean, look, I don't care what you say you don't deserve to get shot at. My son said something that I thought was really good and very non -political. He said, at the end of the day, that's someone's dad.
Robb (:And I, look, he kind of had a good point. As much as I don't like...
Tina (:Yeah, but it's not just somebody's dad. He's ran the country. He's trying to run the country again. It's not that simple.
Robb (:No, it is, I mean, it kind of is that simple. I mean, I wouldn't want Joe Biden shot.
Tina (:Really, he's going for a political, and he ruffles feathers. He's not quiet. He engages in this type of drama. He encourages it. He wants people to fight this. Yo, what about when they stormed the Capitol building?
Robb (:He does incurred violence.
Robb (:and he said, it peacefully. There's tons of video. There's tons of video saying when he got on the news and said, do this peacefully. It's everywhere. That's been
Tina (:Nah.
Tina (:I believe that he incites hate amongst each other. That's why our world was not our world, but our country was not this divided before he was in office. It went completely south on us.
Robb (:I'll agree a little bit to that, but I don't think it's over anything of hatred though. I disagree with that. I disagree with that. Again, I would tell anyone if you can find any footage of him saying anything racist, because he doesn't, there's nothing out there. That's all been debunked on plenty of things. And you can't give me little cuts of things. You have to give me whole speeches where he says it.
because the media will cut up anything and make it look bad. They could cut up this podcast that we're doing right now and make me look like a horrible human being because it's easy to take sound bites and make people say things that they didn't. Lots of things have been, and again, I'm gonna play both sides of the field. Again, Joe Biden from a political standpoint is horrible. He said bad things about a lot of people.
Tina (:I agree with that.
Tina (:He can't even figure out who he is talking to.
Robb (:I'm just saying even early Joe Biden where he was somewhat coherent or Barack Obama. mean, I'm not, you know, a fan of, but look, at the end of the day, I wouldn't say shoot him. I just think that it's a different thing. you have to kind of step backwards and go, look, Biden's bad for this country. We're in turmoil. We're, you know, from a financial standpoint, a lot of people can't eat. I still wouldn't say shoot
I'd say vote him out. So I just think that we're, know, so which side is more sane? If the guy can rile up somebody enough to, that lots of people had said that we need to get rid of Trump and like take him out, those words. So, but you don't hear that from the other side. So where is the divide really?
Tina (:Neither, neither side are sane.
Robb (:And again, I'll play the conservative side just because that's kind of where I lean. But you don't see conservative people coming out going, well, we need to shoot Joe Biden and get him out of here. It's like, no, we need to vote him out and start fresh.
Tina (:No, he's going to do himself in. He's
Joe Biden to me is like watching the movie weekend at Bernie's. It's like he's not in his body and other people are moving him around like he's a marionette and they're running the country. He really doesn't seem like he's in his right mind when I've seen different things. At times he has moments of clarity, but let's be honest, when you don't know who a head of state is for another country and you're calling
Robb (:Yeah, for sure.
Tina (:the wrong name like come on you got to get that right write it on your damn hand you should know that you're
Robb (:Well, he
He said vice, he called her Vice President Trump the other day during a speech as
Tina (:He also called somebody Putin, and I can't think of his name, Ukrainian, yes. Yes.
Robb (:The Ukrainian president, the guy that they're fighting a war with. Yeah. Again, we can argue his mind all we want. mean, he's definitely not there. And I feel bad for him. If that was your father, you had retired him and he'd be on a beach somewhere, sipping a cocktail. And that's the truth, right? Or he'd be
Tina (:Well, he should have been, but his family encouraged him to run. Like, that's kind of elder abuse if you ask me. Yeah.
Robb (:And they still are. Yeah, and they still are. so, I mean, I think you're gonna see a lot of things during the Democratic convention, because the Republican convention's going on right now, and Trump got, he got the nomination. far, I mean, matter of fact, halfway through the states, he had already had it. So, he's the guy. And I'm pretty sure that they did the vice president as well today. It's a guy out of Ohio, which is...
not very odd because Ohio is a swing state.
Tina (:So he picked his vice president, is what you're saying? I did not know that.
Robb (:Yeah, yeah, I think it's a congressman from Ohio. And Ohio, like I said, Ohio is a swing state, so it's a state they need to win. And Pennsylvania is a state they need to win where he got shot. So I think it's gonna be interesting. My whole thing out of all of this is we need to kind of step back and go, look, where are we at that we're really thinking about?
taking the life of a political leader. And again, we're not above any other country. This is not new. Being the president of Mexico is like the most dangerous job on the planet because the cartel there, they kill you at will and have no problem. And they'll put somebody in place the next day. So corruption isn't anything new either. This isn't anything like over the last...
Tina (:Mm -hmm.
Robb (:15 years, this is something that's been going on for a long time. Maybe we need to go back to dueling, like back in Hamilton, if you didn't like somebody, you went and had a duel with them and whoever wins is the president. You know what I mean? And I mean, when we do it, we do it with ball and cap, like old school guns too that don't shoot very well.
Like you really, you really got to get somebody good if you're going to take over. you're going to have a duel, you have to do it with a non -modern pistol. I just think that we're at a spot right now where we're definitely, man, we got some, we have some issues. And look, I'll be shocked if Trump doesn't win. Very shocked.
Tina (:You
Robb (:So what happens then? That's the bigger step as well. It'll be an interesting four years, that's for sure.
Tina (:Well, it was interesting the first time he was president.
Robb (:It was, and I made more money in those four years than I have ever in my whole life. The economy was amazing. We weren't in any wars at all. He's the only sitting president that's never been in a conflict, ever. So he was doing something right. We had tariffs from China. One of his things he wants to do is get rid of income tax. That's one of his things. He wants to raise tariffs on everyone bringing stuff in, so Americans will never have to pay income tax.
Tina (:That wouldn't be a bad thing considering how much we are paying and we're getting taxed on the front end and the back end every single day.
Robb (:Yeah. And yeah. Just think that some people will make between five and twenty thousand extra dollars every year. That's that's pretty crazy. I don't know if you can do it, but they seem to think they can, even if they cut it in half.
Tina (:You know, it would be nice to see with all the taxes that they've already got, it would be nice if they would just stop taxing us and put the money that they are getting to real use instead of lining only a very few politicians pockets. It would be nice to see them actually doing what they need to do with the money.
Robb (:You know, we can argue until we're blue in the face over both sides' intentions. I think that's the better way of putting it.
Tina (:See, and I wouldn't argue with you, think each side has done lost their mind. Yeah.
Robb (:has issues. Yeah. No, it's very true. I think both sides have very, the gap is huge between belief systems now. I think that's the bigger thing. you know, are we going to have another four years of trying to kill the president?
Tina (:Mm -hmm.
Tina (:See
Robb (:And then what happens if a Democrat gets in the office? Are we going to have just every four years of trying to kill somebody? Because I think that that's where we're leading if we keep going down this road is just getting rid of your political opponents. And that's a scary, scary thought that we're going to turn into a third world country where they'll just
get rid of people that will and replace them and you'll have to be happy. That's why
Tina (:Well, we kind of have to be happy now.
Robb (:sort of. When they take our guns, then we're screwed because we can still fight now. That's the only thing that keeps... No, well, trust me, they don't want to come for them. A lot of people are going to get their lives taken if they decide to really confiscate guns. You know, the powers that be in these other countries, you know, it's the army that goes and does it and they're generally
Tina (:We shouldn't allow them to take our guns though.
Robb (:very slanted towards the leader, right? Because they don't wanna lose their lives. It would be interesting to see what happens if, well, it's gonna be interesting to see what happens no matter who gets in. Because four more years of this, you won't have to worry about much, because none of us will be eating.
Tina (:True.
Robb (:I mean rents at an all time high, groceries are at an all time high, gas is at an all time high, water, everything. Yeah, so four more years of this, we're in trouble.
Tina (:Electricity is an all -time high. Everything in this world is at a record high. And did you also hear? They did a study of 10, the top 10 cities that have homelessness in them. Six of them, six of the cities are in California. Unbelievable. Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco.
Robb (:Yeah, it's crazy. think...
Robb (:Probably Sacramento. I wouldn't be shocked.
Tina (:Sacramento. There are two more. I couldn't believe it when I was looking at that. I'm like, well, I know we have a lot of homeless, but shit like six, six out of 10 cities are California.
Robb (:Yeah, and I'm going to guess probably New York, Austin, Texas is another one I know is really high on that list as well.
Tina (:There was a Texas, there was a Washington, and there was an Arizona State. I can't remember the fourth one. I can't remember the fourth or the last one, but all the rest of them were California.
Robb (:Arizona. Wow.
Robb (:Wow. See that?
Tina (:And we get taxed more than all the other states in the union. Why is it that we have the highest homelessness? That kind of burns me up too, because if we got all this money, if you're getting all this money in taxes, why aren't our homeless taken care of?
Robb (:because though that money is going somewhere else. Yeah, for sure.
Tina (:Yeah, it's going to people's pockets. It's not going to helping who needs to be helped. We don't even have good roads. They're working everywhere on fixing the roads, which they should have done over 25 years ago when the 94 earthquake. That's more than nine. It's like 24 years ago. And, you know, they've left these roads to take a shit. then the freeways, you drive the freeways here in Los Angeles, and it's like driving a mini roller coaster for kids up and down.
Robb (:Mm -hmm.
Tina (:There's not smooth sailing on these freeways anymore. There used to be, but now they're not even kept up. So take all that money that you're not fixing the potholes and get these homeless people off the street and get them the meds they need to be completely able to handle themselves. Yes.
Robb (:Mm -hmm.
Robb (:functioning members of society. Yeah. Look, I think politics in general is broken. It's been broken for many, many, many, many, many, many years. Far longer than we've been alive. I'm guessing it probably started a lot in probably the 20s and 30s where mobs and other things started getting a lot more corruption.
Tina (:that we've been alive.
Robb (:Probably well before that, who knows? I mean, it could have been during the founding fathers' time, who knows? But I mean, it's rampant now. You have people that work in Congress who make $150 ,000 a year that are millionaires. How? How is someone who only makes that amount of money
A millionaire. So we, I think we have to really kind of step back and go, you know, it's not just Trump. And I think a lot of people, I look the establishment don't like Trump for a reason because he's not, he's not like them. He's not corruptible. He's already a billionaire. How are you going to corrupt somebody who has already got a ton of money? So that's, think another thing that scares the, the bigger picture.
They don't like him because he comes in and goes, yeah, I'm going to clean the swamp. And when he talks about cleaning the swamp, he's talking about getting rid of people who are on the take and they don't want to hear that shit because they don't want to lose their income. So I think I do believe that if, if things stay the same, we're in a lot of trouble. If Trump gets in, I think you're just going to see a lot more craziness happen. I'm sure riots. So.
buy ammo, because you're going to need it. Yeah, and that's not a joke, I would say for sure. I would say buy ammunition well before November, because it's going to become very hard to find. Because that always happens during, that's another thing that does happen during a election season. Guns and ammo start being bought very soon, because people start getting a little edgy. And one of the, yeah, it's like one of
Tina (:Right?
Robb (:biggest parts of the year, or parts of the election cycle. I just think that, yeah, it's scary. Actually, that's scary more than anything. But I think what we need to really kind of step back and just go, we as a country,
Tina (:I did not know that.
Robb (:I don't think that you should ever think that assassinating anyone is the answer. I think we need to really step and go look. For one, nothing's worth that. And you're not solving the problem. You're really making it. Because I think now they've made a martyr out of him. Because now people are going to vote for him just because.
Tina (:Absolutely not.
Tina (:Nope.
Robb (:Like, because they think that the deep state or a party is now against him is like, they're so afraid he's going to win. They're going to try to kill him. now other people are going to go, yeah, that's just wrong and vote for him. So yeah. And I think that's kind of what happened.
Tina (:very well could happen. It'll be interesting to see what's happening in the next couple of months.
Robb (:For sure. And I think the Democratic convention, there's already rumors that they want their own little runoff. They want to have Biden and four other people debate each other. And if he's not good enough, they want to replace him. Because that's where, that's what, there's rumors going around. I was reading some stuff online today that that's what is the talk is replacing him at the Democratic convention. Because he's still,
Tina (:so they're at that part, huh?
Robb (:even though he's the guy who's running, he hasn't got the nomination from the Democratic Party yet. So they could theoretically say no. And then you wanna see craziness happen, then things are gonna go crazy.
Tina (:Well then I was watching Pelosi. I'm standing by behind the president until I know what his decision is. I'm like he already made his decision. So I knew something was going on, but you know they they talk in circles so you don't really know what's No, until he decides is what she said, but I was like. Yeah, she she doesn't ever do anything unless it's her way. Yeah.
Robb (:I'm standing behind the president until we decide he's not running. Right, but that's what she should have said until we decide.
Well, because she has to gain from it. And again, I'm only saying that the Democrats right now, because they're in power, the Republicans are just as bad. They'll do the same thing. All these people that talk shit about Trump for months and months and months are all at the Republican convention this week and they're talking him up because he's in. So if you don't talk him up, you look like you're against party lines.
It's all the same two -faced nonsense. It's you put the mask on to the winner Because you're trying to hold your job and your money and your bank account so I Hope at some point very very far from now and we're long long long dead and they're stomping over our corpses that I Know well, actually I won't be a corpse. I'll just be a bunch of dust in the wind anyway, so
Tina (:Yep.
Tina (:That sounded nice.
Robb (:I'll hopefully be thrown in an ocean somewhere or made into a glass dragon that I told my son to make me into. There's going to be another civil war in this country at some point. I thought we'd go longer than 300 years, but I don't know if that's going to happen.
Robb (:I think that you're going to find people who are radicals and then you're going to find people who are constitutionalists and want to keep that document alive and that's what they're going to fight over.
They're going to fight over people who believe in what was written and they think that that still works today. And then you're going to have people who are anti -constitution and want to change everything. And that's what you're going to have to fight over. And look, revolution isn't anything new. It still happens in lots of countries in Central America where they fight over everything. And, you know, look at Egypt a couple of years ago. This isn't anything new. People have been doing that since the dawn of time.
I'm just hoping that we don't turn into those countries to where we think it's okay to, you know, kill political leaders because you don't like them. think that our system somewhat still works. Hopefully. And look, if the guy that you want doesn't get in come November, that's just the way the cookie crumbles. And I think
Tina (:Yeah.
Robb (:Hopefully you're good enough to understand that you lose sometimes and you're gonna take the four years with some kind of dignity, because that's what we're doing right now. You don't see people out burning cities to the ground because inflation's high. You just kind of take it and hope that the next person gets in and tries to figure it out and fix it. And I think that if
Tina (:you.
Robb (:you know, he gets in again for another four years, I'm hoping that the people stand tall to that and don't do anything crazy. Because it's just gonna really further tear this country apart.
Tina (:Well, there's definitely ways that we all need to start acting and assassinating anybody or fighting with anybody like that on that level is not the way you solve conflict. I'll give you that.
Robb (:Yeah, and I think even with your friends, it's like, know, how many people lost friends over that, the first election?
Tina (:You know, I don't know. I don't think I lost any, but my friends and I know that we don't, there's certain things we just don't talk about and there's certain things they won't talk about with me personally. And anything political starts that, they just don't. I don't listen to it, I don't want to hear it. I give it about two minutes and then I'm out the door.
Robb (:I do my best to just not get involved in a lot of that rhetoric. Again, it all matters. Some things I'll stand up for. Like I said, I'm a gun right guy, so I'll... But I do my best to bring facts. I don't just go, you should have a gun, because you should have a gun. It's like, look, there's...
there's things you need to talk about. Matter of fact, I was just at lunch with some friends and that came up and I had to throw some facts at somebody and even they were like, It's like, yeah, like don't listen to the media over that. Really look into real facts through government agencies and then you're gonna find out that, wait a second, they're pushing a narrative and that's with everything.
Tina (:Absolutely.
Robb (:Like, you can pick your poison. you know that the, and I found out this many years later, did you know that the food pyramid is upside down? It's totally wrong. Everything that we were taught as children is utter bullshit. And it was done through companies that wanted to make sure that things got sold. Yeah, like milk and.
Tina (:was good marketing.
Robb (:grain and bread and certain things. like, yeah, we weren't supposed to do that. So again, like do your research and hopefully, you know, going forward and coming into this election season, we can all be friends and hopefully people don't do anything crazy. And you know, let's not shoot people because you don't believe in what they're doing, you know.
Yeah, I think that we just need to chill the fuck out. Yeah.
Tina (:we could just stop that, that would be a good thing, the person that died wasn't a part of that.
Robb (:Yeah, he was just there. I mean, he was a believer in, I guess, Trump, but he didn't deserve to get shot just because he was there. I think that, you know, and that goes for everything. Like, if you're out there, protest and do it the right way. Because, you know, people do crazy shit and then lots of people get hurt. So let's not go down that route. But, yeah, so politics, we don't do it on this show very often for a reason.
But I do believe that this is kind of a big deal. So anything else there, Miss?
Tina (:We have, needed to do this one. No, be kind, be kind. Everybody has a different opinion, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the things that we find in common.
Robb (:Be kind, be kind to everybody.
Robb (:That is very true. And it's an opinion show. Don't get it twisted. Keep coming back every Wednesday. Listen to us on all the places that you can listen to podcasts. Share it with all your friends. Check out our social medias, even though I haven't been updating them lately and I'm gonna get fired. Besides that, know, chill out guys. And until next Wednesday, I'm Rob, that's Tina. We'll talk to you later. Bye.
Tina (:See ya.