Episode 85

EP #85 Traditionalism. Where did it go?

Welcome back to Dont get this Twisted

This conversation explores the concept of traditionalism and its decline in modern society. The hosts discuss traditional gender roles, the importance of chivalry, and personal experiences with traditional values. They also examine the impact of modern society and media on traditionalism, as well as the future of traditional values. The conversation highlights the desire for traditionalism in relationships and the role of family and tradition in shaping individuals. The hosts also discuss the influence of Disney movies on traditional gender roles. The conversation explores traditional gender roles and the reality of traditional values. It also delves into the influence of media and challenges gender stereotypes. The discussion highlights women's independence and the rise of DIY culture. It emphasizes the importance of valuing family and men, as well as the significance of working together as a couple.



Copyright 2024 Dont get this Twisted

This podcast and website represent the opinions of Robb Courtney and Tina Garcia and their guests to the show and website. The content here should not be interpreted as medical advice or any other type of advice from any other type of licensed professional. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare or other applicable licensed professional with any medical or other related questions. Views and opinions expressed in the podcast and website are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information, we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. Privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All people, places, and scenarios mentioned in the podcast have been changed to protect confidentiality. This website or podcast should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony related to the medical profession or any other licensed profession. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or website. In no way does listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content establish a doctor-patient relationship or relationship with any other type of licensed professional. Robb Courtney and Tina Garcia do not receive any money from any pharmaceutical industry for topics covered pertaining to medicine or medical in nature. If you find any errors in any of the content of this podcast, website, or blogs, please send a message through the “contact” page or email DGTTwisted@gmail.com. This podcast is owned by "Don’t Get This Twisted,” Robb Courtney.

robb (:

and welcome to another show don't get this twisted i am rob along with my cost as tina how you doing to ina

garcia (:

i'm good rob how you're doing

robb (:

oh not too shabby you sound amazing today your microphone is on point on point really really good

garcia (:

well thank you and i'm awake you know it's like not first thing in the morning and a little bit awake i've been busy all day so i've been on the go getting ready to go again it's good

robb (:


robb (:

that's good though so and again awake i mean i'm awake but i don't know i'm i'm going to sleep like a brick tonight for sure i was all over the place today

garcia (:

i'm with you on that i was wide awake at four thirty in the morning and that's like it's more common for me to go to bed at that time than it is to wake up at that time not a good day it's been kind of hard

robb (:

m hm

robb (:

i'd love to tell you that that's hard for me but it's not hard for me anymore four thirties like if i four thirty s sleeping in my alarm goes off at four or so

garcia (:


robb (:

yeah it's crazy so before we get too deep and into our lovely subject for this week make sure to hit our socials facebook twitter instagram all that fun stuff and make sure to check us out on everywhere you can hear podcast apple spotify google amazon i heart radio and a bunch of other ones because holy molly there's a bunch

garcia (:

not about it

garcia (:

m m

robb (:

this week we're going to hit to some of our our fans choices because they're always sending in stuff to me thank goodness and it's keeping us going with newer stuff even though we have a list of like sixty ars so shows that we still haven't done so which is really good so this one was on traditionalism and where did it go and i was like oh you know traditionalism is at least the way i took it was

garcia (:


robb (:

more ebecause i know the person who told me she's definitely more of that old school mentality of like men's roles and females rules and and things that of that nature because i think she's somewhere in the ball park of our age group i think she's like child's teddy

garcia (:

he'll be fifty this year

robb (:

okay so she's younger than that but i think she's i'll be fifty two i think she's four years younger than me so but definitely in our age range so i'm going to give you the definition of traditionalism it's the adherence to the doctrines or practices of a tradition or beliefs that of those opposed to modernism liberalism and radicalism which

garcia (:


robb (:

i would probably go with that is pretty spot on because obviously modernism they don't look at the roles of things like that any more because you know traditional mostly if you look at how movies where in the probably fifties sixties before the hippy generation it was definitely a different

garcia (:


robb (:

a different thing like women and men had more genderals

garcia (:

more leave it to beaver

robb (:

more leaving to bever i mean obviously we all know that leave it to beaver wasn't wasn't really what was going on but it was probably a very close facsimile of that you know that you know moms did stay at home had dinner ready when when their husband got home and and i think you know modern feminism probably ruined some of that um mostly in the probably late eighties early nineties is when that really kind

garcia (:


robb (:

got the ball rolling but it was and i hate to say a simpler time because it probably wasn't if you lived during that time you know we think it was but it was where mom stayed at home and raise the kids and dad went to work and there was there was a gender role and i'm sure that that they probably intertwined a little bit you know it wasn't just like you know look if they did

garcia (:


robb (:

is needed to be done i'm sure the husband would do them or or to the point where i would say more modern traditional ism where yes there is there is something to that but i think that it's it's definitely a lost art mostly when it comes to like dating you know we were kind of talking before we got on here and i'm kind of a waco when it comes to open up the door for

garcia (:


robb (:

some one i take out or if i'm dating at the time i actually had a girl that i was dating at one point that was thought it was just bizarre she's like you don't have to do that and i was like i know i don't have to this isn't a half do thing it's that i want to and i do it for a lot of different reasons i do it because i just think that it's a gentleman thing to do

garcia (:

m hm

garcia (:

i agree

robb (:

i also like that it's a safety thing for me you know when i put someone in the car i want them to lock the doors until i'm on the other side then it keeps because from a safety issue that's what generally happens people open up unlock doors and that's how bad things happen so i like to know that when i put someone in the car that door is locked and until i get in on the other side no one is going

get into them or her assuming it's either a date or family you put your kids in the car and you put your woman in the front seat and you have her lock the door if you're walking around you still have a fighting chance of no one getting to your family so or your date what you know however you want to put it so that's why i do it on the other side of just being i think that it's the gentleman thing to do that's how i was raised but i think

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

more modern people don't see that at all i don't see young people couples you know if you're out and about watch them go to the car it never happens they pick aside getting the car and drive off

garcia (:

i don't i don't know because my ex used to do that for me is a matter fact if we go somewhere together he still does that for me um it's always been that way it will always be that way but i think we both have similar um beliefs and also it's for me it's required or it's expected it's like if if you want me to treat you well you treat me well and that's part of

the um the give and take of a relationship but i was also raised that men walk on the inside of the street or the outside of the street closest to the curb um was also raised that they you know they i don't know they get more catered to like you should have dinner done when they get home not that my x i don't think he cared one way or another but it bothered me if i didn't but that's more of how

robb (:


robb (:


robb (:


robb (:


garcia (:

was raised than anything for sure

robb (:

that's that's probably because you came out of a more traditional family so you know i came out of

garcia (:

i did but my dad also cooked he cooked most nights after i was like ten um he had made mom was saying something about the way she cooked and my dad said well i could do it better in the she bought him a micro wave went back to school and he was stuck doing dinners for the rest of their relationship so he also did lie

robb (:


robb (:


garcia (:

like he did whatever he didn't and he changed dipers you know so but oh yeah she rolled it but literally but he was he was that way like he doesn't care if you if if he goes to the grocery store hey do you need anything and he doesn't write it down he remembers it goes to the store and brings it back for you you know it's it's uh he's always kind of been like that so i saw both ways where men could cater

robb (:

yeah your mom just succoured him

robb (:

i mean

robb (:



garcia (:

the woman as well as the women cater to the man and it just i think what i learned is that you need to work together so whatever needs to be done you just do it

robb (:

sure but i think within traditionalism look i have friends that that like cooking wise uh and i hate to say this because it's kind of like this like trope thing but i have a friend who the meat is cooked by him and she does the rest of the stuff in the kitchen which i think is kind of an old school like mostly like barbecue thing like the men barbecue and and

garcia (:


robb (:

the wife would cook the rest of the stuff inside the house with the exception of like you know turkey dinner you know the wife would cook thanksgiving dinner or you know the trope of like the roast beef you know the roast cooking in the oven even though most of us cooking a slow cooker now or or you know pressure cooker but my buddy still to this day he cooks he barbecues all the meat all of it and i've been there and we'reregardles of what it is

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

he does it she'll do she'll cut the fixings if he's cooking steak she's making the rest of it now yeah and and i think that that's probably something that's fairly common just because you know the men in their barbecue and their little flipper or their tool you know do their things and i think it was more of a thing of like maybe he could stand outside and they could bullshit through the window and he could have a beer or whatever i think there's a lot of tradition

garcia (:


that was my life too

robb (:

that where it's not that you're being separate you're just doing things to help but that man wanted to have that meat cooked because obviously he could cook it better which you know obviously we know isn't true but there is something to that and and i think that there's those are the things that have to come back like i think that those are are special things mostly if you have a big family

garcia (:

working together it definitely needs to make it come back

robb (:

well but i mean just those those traditions of like so the man barbecue but there's something about like maybe you you're having to get together and he's out by the barbecue and all the friends and family and you and your girl are walking back and forth with each other and like i don't know i saw it with my dad my dad cook the meat and my step mom was always in the kitchen you know doing the fixings or whatever you know cooking beans or whatever it was but my dad would always walk in and they would do things together and he'd walk back out and she

garcia (:


robb (:

come out and when it was time to get the meat off the barb she come out with the foil on the on the cookie sheet and and so there was there was that but it was it was a tradition of like how things were to me like that's how i remember things that those are traditions that i think are just missing and and maybe i'm i'm off on on young people i don't know i should ask you know the people around me that have older kids because maybe there

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

om of those families are traditional because they come from that and i think that's the only way to do it but modern things i don't think that there's anything like that i bet you it's it's very common that one does it all or or you know or a lot of eating out i know a lot of people that don't even cook at home which is again another tradition you know that's i know people who literally more more than

probably three times a week order food in

to this day out of seven days more than maybe three days a week they cook at home maybe because i was talking to one of the guys at my work and he was like oh yeah we just uber eats like you don't you don't cook and he's like it's like wow like to me and and i know that there's living arrangements that might make that difficult so i don't want to say that it's just like there are couple in their own house

garcia (:


garcia (:

yeah when you're coaching little league or something in your out three or four nights a week late that that's an excuse but that shouldn't be a rule

robb (:

yeah i mean this one is yeah this one is more that they live with mother in law and there's other things involved which you know but to still not still not do it is weird to me like i mean i lived with someone for eight years that was just a room mate and i went home and cooked every day or tried to cook as much as i could so i still tried to make a traditional household that my son saw

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

you know dad came home dad cooked dinner we ate at the kitchen table like we still did things like that and i think that those are traditions that are dying out the kitchen table i'm sure is definitely dying out because now people kids just pick up their food and take it to the room and become a hermit or

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:

yeah we had to eat at the kitchen table everybody had to and we didn't have to ask to we didn't have to ask to get up from the table though but we had to eat at the table and my dad seemed to always leave first because of inappropriate conversation he didn't want to be a part of and that was nightly

robb (:

oh yeah i remember my cousins

robb (:

oh my

robb (:

i mean me growing up it was always just i mean it was me and my dad my and my brother we ate at the kitchen table and when dinner was done we you know got away from the table but we didn't until dinner was done growing up around like when i was much younger like going to thanksgiving dinner at my cousin's house was barbaric like my my uncle who passed away he used to literally

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

the belt on the table like oh yeah like you had to at least try ship on your plate if you didn't there was hell to pay hell to pay like my cousins to this day i'm sure

garcia (:


garcia (:

i like that though i think that you should try stuff you don't need to eat it if you don't like it but you should at least try yeah

robb (:

yeah it was just funny and and that's all they had to do they just had to taste it and if they didn't like it they were great but yeah literally there was many a time with a belt on the table so there's a tradition too i remember that to this day like holy crap man my uncle was serious and like i make jokes to my cousins to this day and they're close in age to us and they're just like oh yeah it was crazy just like they were scared shipless of their their dad yeah

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

but again these are traditions that i think go along everyone i don't know where it ended because obviously were eighties babies it was still tradition then um when i was married we ate at the kitchen table so but again we i think it's because of us you know our parents put it into our head and maybe my son will go on to do the same thing i don't know

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

but i think it's going to be harder because the roles are just different now they don't they don't look at it the same way and i don't know why

garcia (:

it's true well because every generation popes the one before it that's part of it and and also we don't have dad's around any more you know like we once did so the less dads that are around less reasons there are to sit at a table you know so i think that's that's also part of it

robb (:

yeah that's true

robb (:

yeah god that's sad you know i remember even with my boy you know we would talk about life things like what was going on at school how do you so like those those were family traditions and within the family scope of things and you're right you know mom dad kids at the table doing their stuff but i was a single parent i still did it but i think that now

garcia (:

oh yeah

garcia (:


robb (:

and again maybe it's just this generation is so separate from their parents that their parents have given them so much freedom that now they just take it all like they'll pick up their ship go to their room eat it bring the dishes back throw them in the sink and leave i mean

garcia (:


garcia (:

and nobody had in the interaction with them either

robb (:

yeah i mean my kid will do that sometimes you know he'll he'll still do that but not i mean i do my best to have dinner with him all the time because i think it's it's an important part that is that's tradition to keep your relationship strong

garcia (:


garcia (:

yeah my niece and nephew they're very quiet like they just don't talk and so when i'm here when my dad does a wednesday dinners with them if i'm here i'm like so what's happening and and i force them like i used to you to talk with me and and then you know i don't care if we're shooting the ship like as far as just making fun of each other i don't care but there needs to be some sort of communication and i'll even say well guys i'm sitting here for the next hour

robb (:

h m well yeah

garcia (:

if you could either use this time with me or lose it like what do you want and they're like well what do you want to talk about and then you know it's it's it's like pulling teeth to be honest with you but i do it every time i get a chance because one of these days they're going to turn into adults and i want to be able to have somebody i could talk to just you know i don't want them to think i don't care either but they hate it they hate it

robb (:


robb (:


robb (:

so do you think the tradition of like opening doors for people or do you think that that will just it will just go away

garcia (:

well if we don't put a priority on it if we don't say that it's important if we don't teach our kids it's definitely going to go away but even i have a cousin that's in his is mid thirties and he said he learned all that from me because at a very early age i mean i had these kids were born when i was like fifteen sixteen years old they were always with me twin cousins and i always told them from little little tiny kids you're goin you got to do this and you got to do that and that's you know walking

the street we did it together even if they were like five six seven years old i made the walk on the outside and they held my hand and they opened the door from ly grandmother and and my cousin told me he goes i learned all that because of you it wasn't you know he gave me that credit i was i was grateful that i taught him but at the same time i'm like wait a minute that came from me it didn't come from grandma or your mom or my mom or you know it was important to me

because i guess i was dating at the time and it was important then and they learned it

robb (:

yeah and i think with things like that they become belief systems right so and they come and become imbedded in you you know it's you know you're you're

garcia (:


garcia (:


what type of man are you i would say are you a man that will show up are you going to be one of these losers that doesn't count like i used to tell them so sorry but you know

robb (:


yeah i mean i i put that in my son's head all the time provided a protector that's your job as a man is

garcia (:


yeah and it's sexy in is sex like somebody wants to do that for me it's very hard because i'm i'm stupid and dependent i'm by myself all the time i don't think of what i'm doing but i've been told don't touch the door like he gave me three warnings like don't touch the door you don't need to get your hands dirty he said it like three different ways i remember don't touch the door though the final time he's like look don't open the door again or i'm going to take you home and i'm like well you're really

robb (:


robb (:


robb (:


uh yeah yeah

garcia (:

it's about that he's like yeah am i guess what i didn't touch the door like i and it was it wasn't i was i didn't it wasn't that i didn't want him to i just i'm so used to doing it for myself but now i'll wait like he taught me mean

robb (:

yeah well

robb (:

yeah i mean some of these traditions i think are are obviously been handed down for long long times you know i was gonna say like you're native american and obviously tradition within that community is massively huge it's kind of the the same as um i would say probably you know faith based religions like being christian has

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:

yeah but in that in that company they wouldn't say that i was traditional at all

robb (:

a native well that's true because you didn't grow up in that hard core part of that i agree well i was more trying to say though that those traditions within all these different things obviously native americans have tons the the christian religion have lots of you know things within that and those things are what becomes traditionalism within whatever your social construct is

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:

oh yeah

garcia (:


robb (:

so and and not that you need either of those type of things to be a traditional ist but those definitely help with things and i think that those help with society things you know a lot of the things that we think about today are based on tradition of two hundred years ago and they've just been handed down and handed down and now you know if you look at the definition where it's more says like liberalism they're taking away those traditions for whatever

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

and um and people are fighting for those traditions because i think that they're important some of them are very very important so how do we i mean because you know i hate to sound like the crazy person but the school system is definitely not going down traditional routes when it comes to a lot of things you know i sent you i sent you a video the other day when with this guy showing and i want to say high school

garcia (:

that's true hm

robb (:

students a clock

garcia (:

oh god

robb (:

they could not tell time

garcia (:

right they couldn't like on on a manual clock not a digital

robb (:

they couldn't tell time on a manual clock yeah i mean obviously with a digital clock most can because it's on their phone but but that's what we've we've got away from traditions like that are cursive like they don't teach kids cursive anymore and for whatever reason like they're not going to be able to read documents that were done by anyone in the past which is scary to me that they're taking away such traditions of

garcia (:


robb (:

of being able to write i to teach my kid how to sign his name because he learned cursive early but he was in school when they cut that ship off so he didn't oh yeah he learned it he learned a little bit of cursive um but i think you know by junior high they were done with that and everything was printed

garcia (:

really he didn't get that

robb (:

so i had to so i had to teach him like hey this is what you need to do and he was like well why do i need to learn how to do my signature and then i had to sit down and tell him the reality of that like if you ever buy anything you're gonna have to sign it over and over and over again like a house or car and i go it's not just like you have to have something so these are traditions that i think is leaving and then the traditional ism of just the family unit the family unit

dying and for whatever reason that they're pushing that away like it's something that we shouldn't do which is fucking bizarre to me like these are the things that are staples of humans and and i want to say it's more american traditional is because if you take if you take these same thoughts to other countries there they're much more you know

garcia (:


robb (:

gender rules are very strict um you know having a family very strict you know there's there's not some countries you know divorce is hard to do like you like you don't just you do't just go down to the court house and be like want a divorce a they're like now that's how that ship work you know you and your man need to fix this ship in and do it so i think from the standpoint of where my fred

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

was coming from i think it's it's deteriorating at such a rate that people that that she's met you know um or been hit on by have no clue of what that would be like or another friend of mine she was kind of telling me the same thing where guys just have no fucking clue anymore

and i think that they've even taken it out of our brains this my age and a little bit younger in their forties where they've been they've been hammered so hard by independent women that now they don't give a ship to be traditional and and that's

garcia (:

m well there's no value in it you know if you get told as a man that that ship doesn't matter which is literally what women have said why would they do it

robb (:


right and

garcia (:

you know i have i have a friend that i talked to you quite often and he's always apologizing for or like what he says and i was like look if you're not if you're if you're lying apologize other than that like just say whatever the hell it is you need to say but quit apologizing for it own it i'm okay with you owning your opinions your beliefs you're whatever and and i want to hear that i don't i don't want to hear your apologies before you say something then you go ahead and say it anyway

robb (:


garcia (:

so you're really not apologizing you're just saying please don't be offended and i don't want to be offended i want to laugh at whatever the hell you got coming out of your mouth so just say it and i feel bad because he's he's actually said i have been told because i am who i am that it's wrong or i shouldn't do it or i shouldn't say i'm like that will never be me like please be wrong if that's the case be wrong all the time because i i need a person to be that

robb (:


robb (:


garcia (:

and i love a man that could be kind of cock and and says what's on his mind and owns this ship like if you could own your ship say whatever you want to say but make sure you own it like don't be with ash because i need consistency but since when do you need to like say the right thing for somebody to like you that's it's crazy to me and i want to like people because they have an opinion if they're in

robb (:


garcia (:

well i know they're an ass hole but i'll still i could still be cool with them you know it's not a i don't know it's just so different for me because i was raised very differently and even though men were were kind of treated you know they could be treated bad by the women in my family they were a little rough on the men and the men were more passive you know there is still that level of respect decency and you

robb (:


robb (:


garcia (:

working together so for me it's like please just be normal please just be normal like whoever you are just come that way okay

robb (:

a right do you do you think women today and i mean the spectrum so our age and back because obviously anything before us if you're not traditional you can probably fuck off

like the women who are in their sixties and seventies that are still meeting men if you're not traditional you probably are screwed you you you know in that dating scene but do you think women and i think on on a more like level of the bell curve because we like to use that bell curve here don't get this twisted do you think on the bell curve most women want traditional

garcia (:


garcia (:

i don't i don't know that i could say most women i could say that there's definitely a population that does but then there's another population that has absolutely no respect for it and doesn't care one way or another

robb (:

damn damn that that that kind of hurts me because i am more of that traditional you know hopeless romantic you know

garcia (:

but you know here's the deal if you put value into that and you're with somebody that doesn't you won't stay with them you will find somebody that puts value in that because it can't work any other way so and there are people that are out there that that do i really hold that in high regard i do and people that don't have it i don't have the same level of respect and if you don't have that same level of respect you're definitely not going to be able to take

robb (:


garcia (:

as far you take the relationship or whatever as far as you could you know because it's it's a difference of belief systems i think the younger the person is i think the less they care about that but it's also the way they were raised versus the way that the older generations my parents were both there you know that right there changes everything

robb (:


robb (:

i kind of agree with you i think in the end unfortunately well fortunately if you're looking for that you will weed out people in the dating process so it shouldn't be too hard in the beginning and and you'll like i said before and i've said a hundred times if only people change when they want to so you can't change

garcia (:


garcia (:

m hm

robb (:

somebody you can't make somebody a gentleman they're either going to be one or they're not or they're going to have traditional beliefs or they're not so you can't change that right i mean yes but i'm kind of using you as an example for now but you're right i think that i'm looking for something and most men are looking for something you know there's there's a middle ground when it comes to traditional standards and what you're looking for and generally

garcia (:


garcia (:

hm same thing for women

robb (:

you'll weed them out quite early in the dating process and or you know real talks during the dating process because the first couple of dates can end up being nonsense anyway you know where we're on our best behavior you know you're you're wearing the best clothes you can you're trying to you know look and smell the best you can there's a lot of things in the in the dating process that i you know we talked about

garcia (:


robb (:

last week with you know take them on take them to to the camp out then you'll get the real person generally but but real conversations within that dating process well you can weed someone out fairly quickly because there's certain points that you're looking for if you're looking for that traditional you know where if you say something to somebody they're going to give you an answer that's going to either step back or move you forward so

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

but i think finding that within the dating process is probably very hard because it's not like it's something that you're putting on your your profile you know you're dating profile that that you're traditional list and and you're looking for that so i think it's it's a scary thing to going forward with how people are going to be twenty years from

o i think it's going to be a lost start

garcia (:

well i don't know because well think about it this generation is either going to realize that their way is the right way or the wrong way and they'll you know the next generation is going to go a different direction with that you know in it and it will it'll come back around everything does it's like you know clothes we wear in the eighties that we all got rid of now they're back around you know so i think that if if this generation puts on

robb (:


garcia (:

puts any sort of value into the family system because they didn't have it then they'll make changes and they'll go with when when times were different in families where more abundant and they'll learn from that at least i hope so i mean we should be able to learn from from things that we've done wrong we should learn from people that have done things wrong we should learn from our own interactions with you know with people or our own families and and then make changes to be better

robb (:

yeah me too

garcia (:

change it you know my mom always said if you don't like the way i'm raising you do something different you know it's up to you at that point so you have to fix what what you feel was broken and keep what worked and hopefully you at some point you know family will come back around because it's it's definitely necessary for for kids to survive they need it so i'm hoping that the generation that come

robb (:


garcia (:

next goes wait a minute men aren't pigs and ass holes and they should be held you know more accountable and they should be able to show up and be dad's you know without all the ship that everybody gives them so hopefully you know it'll come back around and and there will be more of a balance it's just so it's so puller opposite that it really shows right now

robb (:


robb (:

yeah mostly like for me i look at it in the media like they don't make movies anymore where where it's traditional you know every woman's a fighter or a boss bitch

garcia (:


garcia (:

well if you notice they're not really making movies to go see at a theater you know remember people used to get their news in a theater they used we used to watch movies in a theater now everybody's streaming stuff so depending on what they're streaming and that's what they're that's what they're um that's what they're viewing that's yeah well there's that

robb (:


robb (:

well that's the algorithm ends up getting it as well and that's the scary thing but to me that's it like they don't make i mean there is still like the home mark channel and things like that where it is more traditional based right but at least that's more traditional like the media now like what's you know saying like every woman is a fighter a bad ass a boss bitch like all these things to where the men are just becoming the week the week

garcia (:

i can't watch that cheese oh my gosh

robb (:

part of that so how are we going to make you know protectors and providers when there is they don't show you that anymore they don't show men to be that you know or at least on the surface you know you look at a thing like the last year the biggest movie that came out last year was maverick that was like super nuper manly and it was about flying airplanes and blowing shit up so is that

garcia (:


robb (:

media getting it wrong are we looking for that again you know i'd almost i'd almost tell you yes that the people want to see that kind of thing again that they don't want to be pumped full of this stuff that's not tradition to them and i think that you're going to see a lot of it with these failing movies that are coming out because now people don't want to take their children to go see people don't even want to watch disney ship anymore because they're pushing agendas so there they're not even traditional anymore

garcia (:


robb (:

so we were you know

garcia (:

i remember i remember when i was younger thinking you know every every girl is a princess and i didn't fit into that category i was such a tom boy when i was younger and i think like and these these suckers lie to me like you're not supposed to be like that and you're not like your value you know isn't isn't that only if you act a certain way like you could be yourself and it was okay and i really had a hard time at one

and i remember thinking if disney if i had never seen a disney movie how different could life have been for me and i am i didn't put all those out there for for my daughter to watch i mean she could because of my mom but i'm like i'm not pushing that on you you do what you got to do like i don't i don't want to see that no but they're not women women needing to be saved that's a little bit o

robb (:

no but but those are traditional values though that i see

garcia (:

the opposite end of the spectrum or or a man's going to fix you

robb (:

here's i'll play devil's out i'll play devil's advocate do that when when most women need something done around the house who do they call

garcia (:

a man

robb (:

man there's there's a broken window in the middle of the night who's going to to see who's there is she going to go do it

garcia (:

i would but probably not

robb (:

i'm not talking about you where're playing the odds when something is wrong with a when something wrong with the car and she brings it home does she look under the hood or does she tell the man of the house to go look under it so those traditional values are real we just we just don't want to see that ship when that's like saying that the same thing with like not being armed when don't harm anybody but when some ship goes down who do you call the guy who's got the gun

garcia (:

i get you

garcia (:

you're right

robb (:

the police man so it's the same difference where that that women want to say that they don't need a man or that that's not the stereo typical thing but every time that you need something done you ask a man to do it so it's not that it's that you should force it down people's throats but it's it's not that it's not true you know there's a balance to that and that's traditional values the man of the house should go do that ship

garcia (:


robb (:

he should be the guy that gets up in the middle of the night and is protecting his family i'm not trying to argue the fact of that but i'm trying to say that that part of that is reality is it you know the princess and the prince is just a nonsensical way of saying boyfriend and girlfriend they just they did it because that's how you sensationalize something disney turned into rom com's when you get older

because a ram cam is the same ship it's you know fall in love with somebody something bad happens something has to fix it to find out or you know this love this love this love get to where you're going i just think that it's those are traditional values they're just built in i'm not saying that every girl has to be a fucking princess what

garcia (:


garcia (:

but but i was looking more at how we had to be as women like that that the man was supposed to do everything for us no he's not that that were weak no we're not there's you know there was there were definite things that i got out of those movies that are not true that were that that when i finally woke up and realized that i'm like those guys sold me a bill of goods like they did and i remember being pissed but they know they did

robb (:

but they didn't

garcia (:

because i'm not talking about how i'm talking about how a woman is supposed to be you know and like that they're supposed to be weak that they that they need to be saved now they don't they don't and they're not

robb (:

i argue that i'll give you the reality of life

garcia (:

i have a cousin i have a cousin that will that will take seventy five pound um solar panels and go up a ladder with one freaking one freaking hand and she's a she's a female like

robb (:

right but but what's what's the average of that the average is not that it's like you can go down

garcia (:

i think the average is higher than you think it is because men aren't in the homes women have to do that you look at all these di things it's women using the sauce it's women carrying stuff you know it's

robb (:


robb (:

yeah but but most of that the d i is bullshit most of those people are calling contractors to put ship on their roof and you know who the contractors generally are men so i'm it's like mo lan

garcia (:

men i know but they're not all a lot of women are doing their own stuff i have cousins that i'm like impressed at the things like doing electrical and it's a good majority because men are not in the house

robb (:

i'm not saying that some don't but the mass

robb (:

no they just wait for the man to get home and and put a new outlet in if you

garcia (:

rob we did we did we did podcast on men not being in the home dads are not there so so women have to do that

robb (:

no no no well single people yes but i'm talking about within the traditional family it's still more of that and i'm not saying that it's again i think it's a it's less than you think well i met you the majority of people are still are still calling people to fix it it's

garcia (:

i don't know i have a lot of girl friends and i cannot believe the ship they're pulling off i'm impressed because i'm not at that level and they're doing it themselves they're not there's nobody to call

robb (:


well a lot of it's youtubing now too now you want to you want to do somethin your house is youtube because it's there i learned how to change a window thing in my son's car off youtube we ordered the part and i did it so there is something to that so i think that this that this is definitely we'll probably have to hit this subject again because it's definitely you know you know obviously going to fight for our sides so as a man i'll tell you i'll

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:

not really because i do believe that that we need to start putting more value into family and also into men as a whole as women we absolutely need to

robb (:


robb (:

yeah i definitely thing for sure all right and look and i think you should put value in women for for what you're looking for there's value in that there is value for the woman who who does laundry and and cooks dinner and does the more traditional things don't get me wrong i don't think there's anything wrong with it i just been single too long so i don't think that i need that kind of thing but but in

garcia (:

yeah so we agree on that

garcia (:


garcia (:

yeah no we get you

robb (:

traditional thing there is something good about that trust me when i was married she did a laundry you know i'm not i'm not going to say that that didn't happen so there is something in that and it was nice to come home and i didn't have to fucking fold laundry it was already done like don't get me wrong like i'm not going to argue that fact i'm not going to say that oh i'm i'm independent man i don't need that or i didn't want that i just i just think that i've been single so long that i would probably say i didn't need it but if i got in a relationship where

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

you did the fucking laundry i'm gonna i'm definitely going to make sure that i do whatever she's looking for from the i'll be out on there you know cutting the grass because those are those are and it's not just a social construct those are things that maybe she doesn't like doing a fucking lawn and like you know it doesn't mind doing the laundry

garcia (:

well it's also working together you have to as a couple of work together and you can't do everything together sometimes you have to do it separately together and there are exactly you only get two days on the weekend yeah

robb (:

hm well to get it done to go do something fun right you know you d if you do this right i'll go bust out the lawn real quick and then you do this ship so we can meet in the middle and we can go you know do whatever the fun thing is exactly well i guess we'll leave it on that and you know we'll come back to traditionalism another time and besides that make sure to check us out on social medias the fat

garcia (:

let's get the hell out of here absolutely

garcia (:

m hm

robb (:

spoke the twitter the instagram make sure to check us out on amazon apple google and spotify i heard radio all kinds of those cool places where you hear podcast and this is an opinion show so don't get it twisted keep coming back and listen to the two of us throw our positions to each other tina as always it's super super fun love you much and and well

garcia (:

yeah a good one

robb (:

see you next wednesday

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Dont get this Twisted
Dont get this Twisted
A show of opinions. yes, we all have them. weekly episodes

About your hosts

Profile picture for Robb Courtney

Robb Courtney

Host with a serious opinion. Ex pro wrestler, and all-around goof ball that believes in the 2A and your freedom of speech.
Profile picture for Tina Garcia

Tina Garcia
