Episode 86

EP #86 Why kids now are pansies.

Welcome back to Dont get this Twisted

In this conversation, Robb and Tina discuss the idea of kids becoming 'pansies' and explore the factors that may contribute to this phenomenon. They touch on the impact of technology and lack of social interaction, the importance of struggle and work ethic, the rise of safe spaces and trigger warnings, and the role of parents and family structure. They also discuss the power of comedy and offensiveness, changing gender norms and identity, the impact of location and cultural differences, the problem with participation trophies, the importance of learning to lose, the decline of team building and military readiness, and the rise of bullies and lack of consequences. In this conversation, Robb and Tina discuss various topics related to self-defense, toxic masculinity and femininity, the power of femininity, the importance of balance, the consequences of weakness, traditional gender roles, and teaching resilience and strength.



Copyright 2024 Dont get this Twisted

This podcast and website represent the opinions of Robb Courtney and Tina Garcia and their guests to the show and website. The content here should not be interpreted as medical advice or any other type of advice from any other type of licensed professional. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare or other applicable licensed professional with any medical or other related questions. Views and opinions expressed in the podcast and website are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information, we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. Privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All people, places, and scenarios mentioned in the podcast have been changed to protect confidentiality. This website or podcast should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony related to the medical profession or any other licensed profession. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or website. In no way does listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content establish a doctor-patient relationship or relationship with any other type of licensed professional. Robb Courtney and Tina Garcia do not receive any money from any pharmaceutical industry for topics covered pertaining to medicine or medical in nature. If you find any errors in any of the content of this podcast, website, or blogs, please send a message through the “contact” page or email DGTTwisted@gmail.com. This podcast is owned by "Don’t Get This Twisted,” Robb Courtney.

robb (:

and welcome to another show don't get this twisted i am rob along with my cohostosoas tina how you do it tina

garcia (:

i'm good we're doing our second recording for tonight so that i could go on vacation but i'm good i'm doing good

robb (:

i know it's going to be interesting because these people are going to be like wait a second they recorded and way in advance like yeah sometimes we kind of have to we've been really good about not doing that but the early shows man we had a lot of early shows we're like way taped in advance way taped in advance

garcia (:

yeah this time

garcia (:


garcia (:

yeah but yeah the only reason we're doing this is because tina needs to go travel so

robb (:

which is super awesome because you need you need to get away there's nothing wrong

garcia (:

yeah four different places in the month i think that's pretty cool

robb (:

yeah that's kind of that is it's pretty cool i mean and you know look as people we need that ship you know like we really need it yeah you you definitely need to get out and about and get on the road every blue moon so

garcia (:

we absolutely do

garcia (:

yeah just see people that's what i'm doing this month it's it's spending time with people i'm going to see a bunch of cousins up north i'm going to go spend some time with my my married friends that are that i referred to as a crazy store kind of wild i love them going to go and party and you do you do and and then go see my friends and i pass and i got a lot going on a lot going on

robb (:

oh don't i know the craziest don't i i do know the crazes that's right

robb (:

so the crazy the craziest live out of state now right yeah

garcia (:

yes they do and i haven't seen them since last year probably like october november maybe and and i just need to be with my people you know just

robb (:


robb (:

it's funny i didn't know that because but my kid called to get to get a radio put in his car and he's like i don't even live there anymore and he's like damn

garcia (:


yeah yeah yeah they left me i feel like i was abandoned by them i'm just saying it

robb (:

yeah well nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that so check out our socials facebook instagram and twitter and make sure to go to our podcasters there with spotify apple google amazon heart radio and make sure that you click on that little hey i want to hear their show all the time so it just pops up which is really cool because i actually did it because if you can believe this i actually listen to our own show just to make sure that that what

garcia (:


robb (:

going out there is on there and it pops right up like as soon as i get into spotify it's like hey just so you know there's a new show i was like all right it actually works yeah you know i do it just to do it it's it's interesting hearing what we talk about on the way home from work

garcia (:

nice because i don't do that but

garcia (:

it is a couple of times you've made me do it i'm like really i don't remember saying that or oh yeah we did say that or you know it's been interesting for sure

robb (:


robb (:

yeah i do that all the time now i was like or if i say something about someone i'm like fun all right i'm sure i'll get a text message about this or yeah it's only it's only one or two people who know that it's them because some of like i don't even know if my best friend listens i don't think so but you know like when i say something about him it's great i know i can

garcia (:

i'm so glad i don't get anything

garcia (:


robb (:

anything about him and you'll never you'll never get a text message from him so i can bury my best friends as often as i can so

garcia (:

he's not going to listen

garcia (:

no he's worried about my dad but he doesn't listen either but one of his friends does from time to time and he says uh yeah i heard that you did a podcast about such and such and i'm like oh yeah where do you hear that but he doesn't listen it's almost like he doesn't want to know and i get it

robb (:

oh yeah

robb (:


robb (:

i kind of miss that about my mom now that she's not with me any more like she would listen and and i would get like you know little reviews back and forth so it was really i miss that a lot because she always had some kind of constructive criticism to throw my way when i could go

garcia (:

yeah yeah because she would listen

garcia (:


garcia (:

you know you never tell me what anybody says really so i don't hear about the construction constructive criticism yeah

robb (:

i mean most of it's just like oh hey i like the show oh i like the show or or this was a good show like even the people that i would say are close to me like local people that listened to it like i got a text the other day she was just like good show i was like oh thanks well i think this one was what was that one on um i think it was the last show that we did well she listens to all of them so you know

garcia (:

which one

robb (:

she'll say hey you know i listened to this one let's see um she was the one who who got me on best places to have sex she thought that was kind of humorous she was talking about like just funny things oh body image over forty because she's over forty so she said like she like that one cause we hit on like we hit on some good ones

garcia (:

okay yeah my my friends did have things to say about places strange places they had sex because you know they listened to the podcast and then they're like oh i got a place for you and i'm like well now it's too late but where's the story with that you got you got something to say right now

robb (:

right well it's never too late

yeah and then she listened to and she liked the one on the polly show that was good

you know baron

garcia (:

that was hard that was a hard show because for the first time i actually um said something so that it's now out there there's no more trying to conceal it from certain people so that for me was a little difficult i don't want to listen to it again

robb (:

m hm

robb (:

yeah i definitely i definitely think that there's probably going to be more shows like that as we go um you know after a year doing this we're pretty open about things that we've done in our past which i think is great for for both of us it's it's good to get some of these things out to wear

garcia (:

i'm sure

garcia (:


garcia (:

i don't i still don't know because when i was talking to a friend a male friend he said he said really do you want all your ship out in the open because you you're not one to not try things like it might be better for you to say no i've never done that once in a while and and i was like really he was like yeah it's okay it's okay did not tell everybody everything

robb (:

m hm

right right

robb (:

i get that we were we were kind of talking about that you know about you know dating if someone listens to this and you end up dating them like they know a lot about you already so

garcia (:


yeah well better to know it at the front don't

robb (:

yeah i mean i think you go into this with your your eyes very wide open so

garcia (:

right and still you know nothing

robb (:

well well and still you'll learn i think that's the better thing you know you'll definitely learn so this week we thought we talk about a subject that someone kind of threw my way which i thought was kind of humorous like why are kids such pansies now like ike why why have we turned our kids into these shell shocked safe place you know you know weaker kids end

garcia (:

oh god yes yeah

garcia (:


robb (:

i hate to say that it's true but i definitely see it through my kid because he'll he'll say things about like like twitter he goes on twitter and just giggles he goes because all these people are just weak and like they just they go on it's just like a blitz crag of bullshit like they just pound each other and he's like these people are out of control like the

one can hear no anymore or no one can hear a different opinion without losing their ship and i think that modern children are definitely you know becoming pansies are weak they're just

garcia (:



garcia (:

well it's a shame because what i see being older in the generation where where the kids were my age they're grown up now i've seen a lot of kids didn't get the attention that they needed like instead they were handed their phone or a video game or the computer and they spent a lot of time alone so they didn't have the same social net working that that a lot of people in older generations had they didn't have the structure of family

robb (:

hm to high school hm

garcia (:

which i think is really a big one um so i don't know i don't think that we could really expect the same thing out of them because they were they spent a lot of time having all the answers like i used to have an encyclopedia of dictionaries that i had to do my home work out of to find every vocabulary word like they just have to google stuff up and they've got more than what they need

robb (:


robb (:

so do you think we've made them weaker in that way because they have too much

garcia (:

absolutely if you don't struggle you don't know what you're made of and if kids are always given everything what do they have to struggle for well you know what they're struggling for they're struggling for their for your time now you know but everybody is working to give everybody what they need and all the you know all the the perks that come with life so it's sad because we didn't teach kids how to work they don't have to work everything gets hand

robb (:


robb (:


robb (:

that's true

garcia (:

to them and they don't have they don't have a family around to lean on because everybody's working sad

robb (:


robb (:

yeah i also think that that the way that they see things through other people they don't understand no like like my kid

garcia (:


robb (:

got it kind of quick but even he would say things like i'd say no i do want to do that why do you mean why because i said no just matter i don't have to have fucking excuse but but that's what they want they want to know why like they think that they have the right to know things like that or

garcia (:

well because everybody talks in front of them remember when we were sent outside to play like there was a reason for that

robb (:

yeah right but i mean like i was a single dad so my son was raised more like an adult early in life like i i probably made him an adult too quick so maybe that's why he did question things like he was on the same level as me but i had to i put that nip that ship in the ass one day he said something kind of talk back to me and i was like i'm not your friend like don't talk to me like that you know take that ship somewhere else because you know

garcia (:



garcia (:


robb (:

i smack back like don't don't get crazy

garcia (:

i remember my dad said something similar like don't don't get it wrong like i'm not your friend i'm your dad and i'll show you how how dad i am yeah exactly that's that's pretty much how it was too

robb (:

yeah yeah exactly yeah he was like don't get it twisted don't yeah and i think that now and again i think a lot of it is like colleges like there's literally safe spaces in college safe spaces like what what kind of ship is that

garcia (:

yeah i heard that i think that's kind of bullshit but if we don't teach kids how to deal with aversion and problems and everything every place is going to need to have a safe place you know what i mean we've kind of messed it up

robb (:

yeah i mean your own we all we've definitely messed it up we we've made them to where that they think words are violence like what no no violence is violence words are just words like and i've heard it over and over like i'll watch you tube videos of some of these people like reaction videos and they literally will say that oh you can't say that word you can't say that because you're you're bein

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

violent towards a group like no dude they're not they're just saying things it's how you take that you know if what i say triggers you that's also a problem you should be able to take that and it doesn't trigger you into wanting to do anything it should step you back

garcia (:

did you ever did you ever feel triggered when you were younger was that even a thing because i don't remember being triggered people pissed me off like i had i had an opinion about the way i was being treated but triggered the hell is triggered

robb (:



robb (:

yeah well trigger is to the point where it debilitates you again people will say things to people and it just you know makes some roll up in a ball when we were younger someone said something to you you are ready to go like you

garcia (:

m hm

garcia (:

well when people had different political opinions you know just the people that were were hearing it just shut down change the subject and moved on it wasn't like oh well i'm triggered or i can't hang out with you because we don't have the same beliefs it was almost like it was overlooked and then you just didn't revisit that that subject again you know and and you may have talked ship behind the person's back or whatever but they had their opinions you had yours but you could still coexist that

robb (:


robb (:

m hm

robb (:

that subject yep totally

robb (:

all the time i think that i did that more than most people because most people if they really knew what i thought wouldn't have hung out with me but i also

garcia (:

not happening any more

garcia (:

well i agree with that also because i'm the same way but i just shut down and don't say anything i'll change the subject quick as i can because there's just things i won't talk about

robb (:

well or some things you have to fight the battles that you think are necessary most of those weren't necessary to me it's like because we had other things in common that were that i could overlook or or look a certain way it's kind of like if you're there's tons of friends that people who are religious and people who are atheists

garcia (:



garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

and they just don't know it yeah

garcia (:

well me and you growing up i was always going to different churches looking for a more spiritual path and you were like no i don't know if there's a god i say there isn't that's that like we had very different opinions on that growing up

robb (:

no yeah yeah and that's it yeah and how things have changed i wouldn't tell you that there's no god now

garcia (:

yeah i'm kind of glad i always worried about you saying that i don't know why i did i just like oh come on really

robb (:


robb (:

you're not the only one my best friend exists oh i was told many times that i'm going to the fiery pits of hell

garcia (:

well i didn't know where you were going but i just thought that's got to be sad to not have like an ultimate anything the anchor something to believe in or fall back on or get you through i worried about that for you

robb (:

any faith

yeah sure

well well well well well we'll have to do a show on religion but i think that's a very touchy subject so we're going to have to i think take that we'll take that well we'll have to talk off air for a long period of time

garcia (:

m hm

garcia (:

i say we do it next week we got a lot we could say on that and i don't i don't think we need to talk about it before we just go on and do it yeah yeah

robb (:

oh yeah i mean cool well then that's what we'll do we'll do that one next sunday we'll do it on the on god's day well well well we'll take that there but but i think that things like that where now if you have one thing wrong these kids run so far from each other bury each other on social media this guy believes this and and he believes in this yeah yeah or or it's

garcia (:


garcia (:

this is a red flag what the freak does that mean or if somebody disagrees with you get out of here

robb (:

yeah exactly if they really understood what that's going to mean long run and maybe things will change because businesses are changing to to have safe spaces for people and you know you can't say this so you can't say that when i mean even now where i work now is an h r nightmare we we say all kinds of crazy ship but but but we all believe a lot of the same things

garcia (:


uh uh

robb (:

so like and i'm telling you like we say crazy ship that would get in modern things would get you fired in two seconds but yeah but but we know we know the limits and and we've talked in you know like look dude something offends you like say it like take me aside and you know and say this yeah and and i can let it go but if we're all laughing it's like you have to be part of that and like i said like we say some crazy ship

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:

and let me know

robb (:

is great because i

garcia (:

and shouldn't you have a thicker skin than oh i'm offended i don't give a fuck anymore when people say they're offended i just want to go and slap them like now you should be offended because i'm having a hard time with that

robb (:


robb (:

yeah well when people say that to me i go when people say i'm offended i go cool be offended

garcia (:

m go to your safe and go to your safe place and shut the ell up yeah yeah

robb (:

that's well just just be offended it's okay like i'm offended too but i don't go oh my god i just go right all right it's kind of like ike comedians because i think that like comedians now just the things they say make modern kids break down and you know on the floor and cry because the comedy is

garcia (:

oh my god you wronged me yeah

robb (:

to offend that's what it is it takes social political things and makes them funny within the realm of like entertainment but making you think and and now you can't people when people say that kind of makes makes me laugh tom segura he's a comedian he's like one of my favorites and he's very offensive and he talks about fans yeah he talks about fans and being like offended and he's like be offended then

garcia (:


garcia (:

i saw him a couple of times

robb (:

he goes if you come to a ha ha show and and you get offended you're the problem like you should understand that what you're getting yourself into like i love um dave chapelle love dave hapelledave chapel's great but you know who he ships on all the time white people so shouldn't i be offended he says things like go damn that's pretty fucked up but it's still funny

garcia (:


garcia (:

oh my god he's hilarious

garcia (:

but it's true yeah he says some really real ship

robb (:

or yeah and and but even maybe it won't be it may not be true to me but it might be true to him coming from being black but it's still i can still see the humor in it you know i might not ha ha edit a lot but i can go it's still funny because i find the humor

garcia (:


garcia (:

i love listening to him he corrects if i see something of his as i'm like going through life i always sit and listen to it you know i just i can't help it

robb (:

oh yeah one of my favorite ones is one of my favorite ones when he talks about le bron james in the w n b a dude one of the greatest ones becos knowlebron james became trans overnight he would go to the the w n b a where he would score eight hundred points of game like just there's funny humor in that but those are things that make modern kids break down and like they're like it's and it's like look

garcia (:


garcia (:

m m

garcia (:


robb (:

society in general is not going to cater to you they're just not and and the more that the new generation fights against traditionalism that we just did it show on it's going to become harder and harder and harder because people who are traditional is are going to find ways to shut that ship down and that's another thing they don't want to hear the people who run this country or run the big

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

and this is you know are going to are going to not change if they don't have to um i just find it weird because like i said you know i have a twenty year old who

garcia (:


robb (:

i wouldn't say he's he's definitely not a pansy because he sees the world from a different colored lends and it's not rose coloured at all i think he's the more he sees things online the more he's changing because i thought he was he had a different view on a lot of things and i would say something to him like you know this is what i think and he'd go yeah i can see that i was like oh like i didn't see that coming

garcia (:


robb (:

because i think the more time he spends on twitter the more he's seeing that the twitter mob is a very small minority that have big fucking mouths and he's like these people are dumb and and let him go off to their safe space or you know this kind of ship because when they get in the real world someone is going to say something to him that they think is violence and then they're going to say something back and the real violence

to start they're gonna get punched in the face and until you get punched in the face for real trust me words are the yeah words are the greatest thing to get hit by i'd rather get hit by a word because it hurts way less so i just think that these kids are we need to harden them up to the real world and i heard the other day that the best thing in the world is don't let your kids go to college

garcia (:

hm hm

garcia (:

you don't know violence

garcia (:

hm hm i agree

robb (:

in home school so so you have you have a way to keep the armor on them you know because sending them to these places where they're just going to become soft because they're being taught that they're being taught like mostly men like men are being taught to like not be men like it's okay like where address is what's wrong with that it's like no don't do that stop or

garcia (:


garcia (:

yeah but don't men like i remember when we were younger and we would say you know for you know you don't have a uh uh costume for halloween we'll just dress up as a girl i'll give you my dress will do this and it and they're like no no like it just no it wasn't there was no room for any discussion discussion other than no so

robb (:

yeah yeah yeah

robb (:

now exactly

where did it change

garcia (:

i thought that was just i don't think it did i don't think boys want to dress up as girls unless they're unless they're you know struggling with their identity i still don't think guys want to do that

robb (:

no i don't think so either i mean although maybe it's becoming more and more okay like look even in the eighties when glam rock was big like do you know what we said about those guys like a lot and and there were there were there was a lot of three letter words going around so at the end of the day like we and once you learned about the reality of those guys those guys were the biggest hor bags that this

garcia (:


garcia (:

a lot a lot

garcia (:


robb (:

went to work on women like they just wore make up but they were went to work they were men men they were manly men actually and but during that time that was the social stigma of like dudes don't wear makeup and even today like i think it's a very small minority who would say guys should wear make up every day and it's probably in three states it's like new york it's like new york california and maybe oregon

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

you go to the south and try that ship go to texas and try that ship now you are a very small minority and they will put you in a safe space very quickly because they will talk because because they will talk ship so i would say that you're you're probably and maybe we're just we live in california and and it's a it's a liberal haven because because i think that a long the other states that were talk

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:

very liberal

robb (:

king about a lot of states outside of that maybe kids aren't pansies and they're still you know driving trucks and playing in the corn fields and and still doing the more traditional thing of not being like hurt by words you know

garcia (:

yeah the whole hurt by words is definitely setting up a whole generation of victims

robb (:

oh without a doubt with out a doubt and and again it starts at home like my son had set like i would yell at him and he kind of get upset and he's like well you know why are you yelling i was likecause i'm fucking pissed that's why i'm yelling i'm yelling for a reason it's not it's because i'm angry it's not i'm not trying to trigger your ass or or any of that kind of stuff it's like stop and and i think that you know hope

garcia (:


garcia (:

m m

garcia (:


robb (:

fully you know long run he understands that that that i wasn't um i wasn't trying to be mean it was just things that like i got yelled that all sucking time and and and again that's probably why it's i raised him the way my dad did and and yeah shit

garcia (:


garcia (:

i didn't know that that wasn't a way to be raised like getting billed at was normal in my house

robb (:

yeah exactly and and it was for years but maybe that's the problem too maybe kids aren't getting yelled that at home anymore now they're like oh sweet i know you did this and just yeah don't get me don't get me started on fucking that participation trophy it is another reason why kids are pansies because everyone gets a fucking free trophy you shouldn't get a trophy for losing ever

garcia (:

here's a trophy

garcia (:

oh right

garcia (:

well i get that i agree with that but i don't think i don't think that the emphasis should be put on a trophy to begin with

robb (:

you need you need to

robb (:

no but in a game it is

garcia (:

no no it should you know when you're teaching your kid it should be about sportsmanship it should be about learning your skills it should be about being better and working for to be better you know to be athletic and stuff it's it shouldn't be about a trophy not until they've grown and got their skills and our competing as such

robb (:


robb (:

yeah i totally disagree with that but that's it's about winning and you have to teach a winning mentality and it's like winning in life you know you it's it's a way of saying that you're you got to the top of the hill look you have to learn how to lose if you don't learn how to lose life is going to be very very very hard and i was just talking to somebody about that the other day i'll give you things

ample you're really good in high school your quarterback in high school you never losing high school right so you're so good you go to a division one a school like you know alabama alabama doesn't lose for four fucking years you don't lose there now you're going to go to the n f l you're gonna be the number one draft pick the number one draft pick goes to the shittiest team in the league when you go there you start losing

you don't know how to lose because you haven't lost and fucking ten years so when you go there it's so hard for these young people who don't know how to lose because they've never lost before so learning how to lose is important it's a it's a building block of of trying to get better and i think that that's what everything it's like working a job in the very beginning and not doing very well and getting fired when you get fired you should take that and stoked the flame

getting better at doing something to the next job where you don't get fired so learning how to lose i think it's very important by getting a trophy for everyone gets a fucking trophy everyone thinks they are winners and sometimes you're just not a winner and and that's the hard part don't be a fucking pansy learn how to lose i'm crazy about that i would never give my kid a potato trophy if they want if they didn't win i'd be like that that's just drunk shouldn't you shouldn't keep it you lost

it's okay long i was when i did hawkie game i played reckhowk for a couple for ten years i was in two championship games and lost both of them i remember walking into the dressing room afterwards and throwing my sticks across the whole locker room and it got dead silent in there and i just sat in the corner when i went home that night i hung on my shot up and sat in my living room in the dark and thought about it because i'm competitive and being competitive

robb (:

gets you ahead in life because

garcia (:

yeah but when you're a kid you should be working on just being able to play the game proficiently and not even worrying about any of that

robb (:

that's true but but then then don't give anyone trophies at that level

garcia (:

i'm okay with that too that because then nobody not every we set up everybody to be special and not everybody a special and by giving everybody a trophy everybody special don't give anybody a trophy let's just do that you know nobody special let's just learn how to play the game proficiently

robb (:

that would solve the problem

robb (:

exactly i agree that that solves the problem yeah yeah yeah but but understand that the game is about winning you have to understand that that's still

garcia (:

at a certain at a certain age it should be but you know when they're when they're playing t ball and all that bullshit they don't need all that stuff come on

robb (:


no tea ball is different but but but once you get to like fast pitch where pitchers are pitching the ball to you another kid is pitching the ball to you it's about winning you should you should understand but it's also now here's the flip side of that it's also about team building that that i think that that's another thing that's not taught any more like team building is important like if we don't learn how to

garcia (:


garcia (:

h it is

robb (:

to teach kids to be a team that is another problem why these kids are becoming pansy asses like they don't understand that a team is what builds walls or a team is what that conquers the job or a team is what goes to war that's why well we won't have an army well the standing army in this country in twenty years will be done we won't even have one because no one's joining the military because

they can't get now i just saw something on on line there's this one guy that i follow on youtube you know that they've changed like tons of the requirements to get into the military or like boot camp boot camp is now soft as ship they've taken away all kinds of tests you know the and you know we've talked about it before like the women have a different test they don't that they have to pass that the men don't the men's one's harder and the women's easier like what do we teach

these people that that you're teaching the exact same thing women are just weak like you don't have to do you don't have to do twenty five push ups but the guy does you only have to do fifteen you can them on your knees

garcia (:

when the thing is is that you need to be at your physical best if you're going to do any sort of of combat

robb (:

m sure and so everyone should be on the same level and you can't yell at people anymore like we now well with the exception of the marine car because my little brother was like yeah they tell you before when you sign up they can't yell at you until you get there they give two funks and they'll my little brother said they called everybody every word you can think of but my young my oldest daughter said that the army was definitely different an they did

garcia (:


robb (:

scream at you or anything so and i think that again that just kind of makes you soft you have to re program these people and now again you get yelled at people start crying like damn are we that week now you just that now you barely say anything to somebody and they go they go to tears

garcia (:


garcia (:

well they should have grew up in my house with the women in my life fuck they didn't know how to be nice seem like

robb (:

yeah yeah well and i just think that that they were tougher that those women were just tough because their dad who who maybe you had no boys in the family that that dad was probably tough because he wanted his daughters to to understand that that when when you get out into the real world that men could be dicks or men could do this to you and and be ready and now it's just like

garcia (:


garcia (:

m hm

robb (:

i don't think that that's being taught either it's like everything will be fine you know don't do this or if you if you if you're mad at school go into this room everything will be fine it's just quiet you'll be around other people that that are that are pansies too and you can all be pansies together like fuck man so so just imagine just imagine now you know who must rule the roost bullies like real bullies real bullies now who those guys must be

garcia (:


garcia (:

all my fancies together

garcia (:

oh yeah

robb (:

taking money out of people's pockets at will because now that those the guys who are or and i i mean guys as in both women and men but i know you can't say that any more because that's another word that pisces people off you can't say guys anymore um you don't get me started um but the people who are are ultra bullies they must rule the roost man because hatareyugonna do because now you go to somebody and go

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

give it up if not i'm beating your ass after school outside the school grounds and and those people aren't ready to fight at least back in our day if you knew you were going to three o'clock was coming you're like all right well i guess i'm throwing down today like at least like you had to now these people are just again words or violence not violence violence s but is real violence and what's going to happen when to protect yourself when you get into the societal world

garcia (:


robb (:

an you're twenty two twenty three twenty five where bad things happen now bad things happen and these people are just going to lay down and get shot in the face that me too i hope not too

garcia (:


garcia (:

well i hope not i mean there's still there's still an instinct that we have to defend themselves

robb (:

ah some i think that you you'd be less likely to see that they've they've seen people who just ball up now and just like whatever it's like and again maybe that's just aware you're at thing because i think that a lot of places in this country are still robably teaching more of those values of tradition and you know protect yourself

be like this and mostly from a man's standpoint maybe because i think that you get more of what people would say toxic masculinity are are definitely like texas people down there masculine they don't play that ship down there

garcia (:

and that toxic putting toxic before that just sets men up i hate that that term

robb (:

so do i it's well because it's nonsense it's not toxic it's just being masculine but and but seeing that here's well and here's the flip side of that and we're going to have to do a show on it because we're gonna ave to do some research but another one of my friends sent there's toxic femininity which is the reverse of that it's where it's psycho crazy i'll have to send you some info on it but um uh it

garcia (:

hm too masculine for today's society though and that's bullshit

robb (:

is there toxic masculinity sure probably if you were playing the bell curve the very top level of masculinity could probably be toxic but i think the ninety five percent of masculinity is what runs what makes this country go from a man's standpoint like i said before like on the other show like when you need a masculine man then women are calling for whatever it is they need him for so

garcia (:


robb (:

so don't call it toxic when it's not good for you because that's what the i think that's what people do they say this guy's toxic masculinity until you need that guy because when you when you need the guy to throw down and do crazy ship you're calling bill because bill is coming and he's going to throw down and do horrible things to people but but you might not date him because he might be crazy it's like wait a second you can't have both you got to have a

garcia (:


robb (:

that toxicity to have the guy who's going to do the stuff for you

garcia (:

and again you have to be a woman when you're with a man you don't you don't act like a man when you're with a man like it's just you know there's there's the ng in the yang there's a given take and i truly believe that for as as masculine as a man is a woman could be that feminine and still hold her power and and that's not what we're teaching woman that's not what we're teaching men

robb (:


robb (:


robb (:


garcia (:

you know it's like now neither is good or bad it's just both necessary in order for the given take to flow between a couple and i think we've lost tract of that because i could get

robb (:


garcia (:

i remember back in the day i had a boy friend who would just fly off the handle and when one time he did that i grabbed his hand i stuck it on my boob it scrambled his brain he was not pissed off any more he did not know what hit him he was fine after that like it was enough to calm him down to where he was at a good level and did it hurt me no did it did it take from me no was it exhausting no it took

robb (:

ah what do you know

robb (:

all right wow

garcia (:

two seconds to handle that but did i did i do that being right so did i did i did i did i force anything no women don't have to women have the power they just they're using it wrong there you don't have to be manly in order to to get things handled you have to be able to show your soft side you have to be able to be a woman and own that and then

robb (:

that was good to handle that yeah

robb (:


garcia (:

like men could be as masculine as they want to be because we have we have the key

robb (:

yeah well well and if we don't teach these kids how to be masculine and feminine you're going to end up with a bunch of pansy asses that that don't understand and or you're going to end up with girls who who again in the wrong in the wrong part if they like if you think you can fight a man bad things are going to happen just

garcia (:


robb (:

that's fact and i know people don't want to hear that ship but that's on the on the curve ninety five percent of women are going to are going to be in trouble now on the flip side of that no on the flip side of that you can't have men who are feminine you can have emotional sides of people but femininity is a woman straight and masculinity is a man straight

garcia (:

it's true

garcia (:

listen go ahead on the flip side

garcia (:


robb (:

and and we're going to end up making children who are so men who are so feminine or so reserved that they're not going to take care of that woman

garcia (:


garcia (:

and they're going o be belittled because women are still going to need that and they're going to be so butcend masculine that it's not going to come out right

robb (:


robb (:

yeah or or they're just going to think that they're going to be like oh i like this guy the way he is until something bad happens and then they're going to be like he's weak and and he didn't protect me and this happened it's like well you made him moms are making them right now there are mothers who are making pansy ass feminine boys

garcia (:

m hm

robb (:

because and there single moms who don't have no man in their life and then they think that what they're doing is okay no it's not your you're going to make some pansy as kid who's going to run into a safe space in the corner and falling on the ground and say i don't know what to do it's like no pump your man up to think that you're to think that you're making toxic kids it's crazy it's like and i love when people are like don't say

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

well you know boys will be boys why boys will be boys just don't be assholes there's a difference you know to say you know that he did this because he's a boy like i love when people will try to defend rapes and they're like well he just did cause he's a man now he's a fucking idiot he should be shot in the face i'll never defend some got some raps because he because he you know rape some girl because that's what boys do no it's not that's that's nonsense those are just chitty people

garcia (:


garcia (:

uh uh

robb (:

but boys will be boys like boys will want to go out and wreck ship and burn you know blow up ship that's boy ship that's what and drive fast and so to to say that kind of thing is stop making these these you know mask are feminine boys and the same on the flip side like like i had two daughters my stepdaughter's that i wanted to be feminine i wanted them to still be soft you can be you can still take care of ship but

garcia (:


garcia (:

and drive fast yeah

robb (:

but still be feminine and soft and be a woman there's something to that it's like no man wants some woman who's so rough around the edges that he doesn't want to be around her i don't i want a woman i want someone who's feminine and look you can have your ship together like i'm not saying don't have a job and stay home cook my dinner all fucking day what i'm saying is is be feminine i want a girl who you know

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

i think today we've and again like i'm older so like i went when when we went to school there were girls in mind skirts and high heels it's like i want to that those were feminine girls then and now you know the nineties kind of funk that up with girls with baggy jeans and sucking the nirvana look and thankfully they became more feminine again but like i want a girl who's feminine like i don't care

garcia (:


robb (:

like girls who wear jeans and tennis are awesome like i think that's great but i also do want the undress and i want someone to be feminine and and look there's something about sometimes there's something about a girl in a in a trucker hat with a pony tail there just is and i won't lie about that too there is something about that that's sometimes really good and on the flip side of that there's something about a woman in a dress with her hair done and and looking pretty and then there's the middle ground

there's the girl who's you know chill looking got two big braids and looks cute there's there's

garcia (:

so you're a guy that likes girls is what i'm hearing

robb (:

well but i think i think most men do but but i think we've again we've we've gone away from a lot of that traditional feminine feel like there's i don't i don't want a hard ass i want someone who's going to on the flip side of me and i know i probably come off sounding super misogynistic but you know i want someone i don't want a girl who's going to belittle me when i get home i want someone who's going to to fucking come to that's going to come to me and be

garcia (:


garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

like hey you know i'm here for you like be there for me like i don't want to come home and just be belittled every day it's like i'd rather be single it's like funk and i think that's what we're

garcia (:

m i like to be like hey my friends here let's let's have fun let's interact yeah

robb (:

yeah so so we need to change the progression of what we're teaching our children and and again like you can be traditional and still be somewhat modern you can have modern views but the tradition of of what we are and what we tell people is scary to me like e're making weak children that are just going to make a weak society because weak people are getting ran over

garcia (:


robb (:

and i don't want that i want my kid to go out into the world and be like okay i can do this and if he gets hammered the first time he's gonna go to the next place and go i can still do this i can still do this so and what we're doing right now is just making people like you said victims i got fired i got fired because you know i didn't want to come in at eight you know eight o'clock in the morning even though the job said eight i can't work at eight o'clock then then why did you come here

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

kick rocks like we need to be way sterner with people and and hopefully well

garcia (:

i agree or have higher or higher expectations of people

robb (:


just yeah and still that in your child to be better than the next person that's why i told my kid going forward i said go in and learn when you get a job learn everything as quick as you can because then you're not doing that job very long because they see you doing something else they're gonna want to promote you and then i'm going a wan to promote you so you might you might end up being a warehouse guy in the beginning and then you know a year from then you're running the warehouse because there's not enough p

garcia (:


garcia (:


robb (:

out there who are go getters anymore they all want to be handed something because they're the victim mentality i don't know i just think that we're we've made weaker children and going forward it's going to be worse so i don't know i hope not i definitely think we we need to to fix things and i wish i had the answers of how but i definitely think being tough on your

garcia (:

that's true

garcia (:

yeah we'll see how it goes

robb (:

kids is not a bad thing

garcia (:

it depends on who you talked to because my daughter would not agree with that but i thought you're the only kid i know they grew up with you they got a master's so maybe me being who i was helped that you know

robb (:

yeah look for sure you're being tough makes people

garcia (:

push through their adversities

robb (:

you yes you you don't take the first punch on the chin and fall down you go okay hurt i got to keep going so i don't know this is what i like to tell people like you look at someone like us where you we got treated like the generation before us they were hard on us they pushed us we had to work early we did all this different stuff and we all yeah and we

garcia (:


garcia (:

they said things that made us cry

robb (:

is the next generation of kids and we have we had the job to do it so they pushed us to be something better to raise this next generation so teaching them the same thing is not bad it's going to teach them to push forward and be better people so i don't know that's my view

garcia (:

hm i agree

me too

robb (:

good good good all right so that's it for this week make sure to check out our socials that facebook twitter that my son loves so much instagram and anywhere you can hear this subscribe and whatever what's the other one follow and follow on a spotify apple google amazon high heart radio and many other places and you know before you decide not to come back here next week

garcia (:

and follow

robb (:

just remember this is an opinion show so don't get it twisted keep coming back and hearing our craze view and please if you like to come on to the show and do one with us we're always looking for friends and family and such to do our show for interviews until next wednesday i am rob along with my host tina thank you so much tina

garcia (:

oh you're welcome

robb (:

and we'll talk to you later bye

garcia (:

good night

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Dont get this Twisted
Dont get this Twisted
A show of opinions. yes, we all have them. weekly episodes

About your hosts

Profile picture for Robb Courtney

Robb Courtney

Host with a serious opinion. Ex pro wrestler, and all-around goof ball that believes in the 2A and your freedom of speech.
Profile picture for Tina Garcia

Tina Garcia
